Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finals 09

Well, I've pretty much reached the end of my first semester here at LPTS. It's been wonderful! I've met so many awesome people and learned from so many awesome professors. I feel truly blessed to be here, and I hope Amber does too!

I have now finished two of my finals (10 pages for Scripture 1 and an in-class test for Hebrew). I did well in Hebrew, and I feel fairly confident about my Scripture final. I am almost finished with a 6-page paper for Worship, where I attempt to make connections between worship, community ministry, and technology. This paper has shaped up pretty nicely, and I think I could use it as a springboard for further study down the line somewhere. Finally, perhaps the most difficult final is our Faith Seeking Understanding in-class final. We received a list of study questions, but they were really broad and difficult. For instance, "Give your theological understanding of the Holy Spirit." I'm not even sure I know how to articulate that! We are not allowed to use any resources during the writing either. I'm pretty scared about this one!

Looking forward to the Christmas season and seeing family and friends. Hopefully, this will be more restful than frantic! God bless and Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Planting a Church

I feel like God has really put church planting on Amber's and my mind lately. I'm not even sure how that works and if it's an option financially. But we're both very excited about the idea. So, I'm planning on talking to as many people as possible and reading as much as I can about this. I need to begin building relationships with people who are doing this or have done it recently. A few of the groups that looks promising are the Ecclesia Network and Presbymergent. Pray that God would develop this idea and lead us into the right path.

Amber is now thinking seriously about seminary. She's not sure whether she would like to do the 2-year Master of Arts in Religion and Spirituality or the 3-year Marriage and Family Therapy degree. Pray for her discernment here!

It's hard to believe this semester is almost done! I've enjoyed it greatly, made lots of new friends, and I'm looking forward to a short break.

God bless!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Moe's Southwest Grill

Moe's Southwest Grill has an amazing thing called Monday Night Burritos. $5 for a huge burrito and chips...great deal! Went there tonight with Amber and Sydney, where we talked about stand-up comedians for at least an hour.

I found out that I got an A on my first Scripture test! I hope this translates to being able to preach about the Scriptures...haha! Our professor has been ill, so please send up a prayer if you are able.

Also, I found out which classes I'm going to be taking for my January and Spring semester. Here they are:

Scripture 1: Part 2 - A Continuation of this semester's class.

The Art of Teaching- Brad Wigger teaches this class. I've heard great things about this. This was the only elective that would fit my schedule, but I am still excited about it. I'm always a little ambivalent about teaching. As much as I try to get away from it, I seem to be pulled back again and again. Maybe this class will help me with my confidence in teaching.

Presbyterian Polity: Cliff Kirkpatrick, president of the World Council of Reformed Churches, is teaching this class. I really like this guy, and I like polity, so yay!

OT Exegesis: Taking all this crazy Hebrew and trying to make sense of what the Hebrew Bible says. Rubber meets the road.

History of Christian Experience 1: Part 1 - I'm not sure about this class, but here's what the website says: "In this two-semester sequence students will become acquainted with the global history of Christianity. Special attention will be paid to formation of Christian identity and theological expression in relation to other religious traditions."

My belly is full from Moe's, I'm sleepy, time for Kate Gosselin's story, then bed.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Research and Study Week

This is the last day of our Research and Study Week. No classes, all self-directed studying. It reminds me a lot of working as a youth director. Nobody really looking over your shoulder MAKING me do anything, yet I still had to get things done. I think accountability is so important in life, maybe especially in ministry. It's important to have people expecting you to get things done. It's also important that these same people be gracious when you aren't able to be Superhuman. Anyway, I've tried my best to be responsible with this time that has been allotted to me, even though I always fall short.

For FQI, we are writing a 10-page midterm that I am most of the way done with. I'm writing on everything from the cross to revelation and now principalities and powers. Fascinating and frustrating stuff!

For the other classes, lots of reading and planning. In worship, I am in the first group to lead a required worship service. It's such an interesting process planning worship as a team. It seems that the whole process of planning and participating in worship is a birthing process, in that it's painful but ultimately brings forth new life.

Amber just finished her first week as a nanny. She seems to be enjoying it, and I am so happy she doesn't have to work at Lush anymore!! She is working with a 22-month-old and her employers have another on the way. She's gonna be a wonderful mother, I think! (No, that's not a subtle way of saying she's pregnant, haha.)

Thank you for those who are reading. I am so happy to be where I am doing what I love right now.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Finances :(

Times have difficult financially for the past couple weeks. Car insurance changes stink. Nonetheless, we've been trusting in God's guidance and providence in these trying times. As long as our marriage is strong, we will be okay!

I think I've been losing weight, which is good! I ballooned up this past year due to the stresses I was experiencing at work, and I'm just now getting back into the swing of exercising and eating somewhat well. Pray for me! I'm at like 205 right now, and I would ideally like to be 175.

School is going well. Lots of homework and reading, which I like. We are going through Exodus in Scripture, learning about Sin and Grace in Faith Seeking Understanding, discussing diverse worship in Worship, and learning about direct objects in Hebrew. I love this stuff!

God bless you all!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Class Update

Intro to Worship - Good readings, I really like the professor Dr. Claudio, and there is usually some pretty good discussion in the class.

Scripture 1 - I like learning about Scripture, but the class is so slow-moving right now. Lots of reading (some of it better than others). The professors book, Making Wise the Simple, is really good!

Faith Seeking Understanding - Loving this class. All three professors are really good. I've become very interested in Christian ethics based on Dr. Scott's first lecture.

Hebrew - This is getting more difficult, but I'm liking it quite a bit. Dr. Douglas is wonderful. I hope I get to take more classes taught by him.

Also had a meeting with Jorge, the youth director at 2nd Pres here in Louisville. I'm going to be volunteering for a couple hours a week in their youth ministry, hanging out and possibly teaching. Sounds fun!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Still Alive. Studying Hard.

Lots of reading going on the first few days of class. We had a great weekend in Indianapolis doing the Out of the Darkness walk. The turnout was amazing! And it's always great honoring Kurt's life and the legacy his mother is continuing. Beautiful stuff.

Had a good meeting with my friend Eric over the weekend at the coffee shop. It's good being able to maintain relationships in Indy being only a couple hours away. I think Eric might end up being somebody huge in the field of theology in social ethics, even though I don't imagine he would want that amount of fame.

Really good conversation with a new friend about the Obama Health Reforms. We came from two polar opposite positions, and I think we were finally able to see where each was coming from, even though we continue to disagree. Good stuff!

Good news too! My tuition grant has been bumped up to fully paid. That's a beautiful thing, because Amber and I were a little worried for a few weeks.

I hope all is well! Much love!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of Semester

Okay, 1 day down, I don't know how many to go.

My first day of classes here at LPTS was amazing! I had Faith Seeking Understanding, Scripture I, and Intro to Worship. I know I might be in awe of all the newness, but I am SO excited about learning from these professors. I'm even excited about writing the papers and doing the projects. I know, I'm a complete nerd.

We also had the convocation service before lunch, which was done very well. Dr. Douglas Gragg preached a message called "The Humanism of Jesus" where he mentioned John Caputo's What Would Jesus Deconstruct? I paged through that book about 3 or 4 months ago, and it looked really interesting. Admittedly, I probably liked it more because Brian McLaren wrote a foreword for it. Anyway, the message was very good, in saying that Jesus was about humans first and foremost. That reminds me of Barth saying that God is decidedly FOR humans.

Good stuff! Will keep you posted on what I'm learning...

Much love!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Struggling with Scripture

Reading through a great book called Struggling with Scripture by Walter Brueggemann. He identifies six facets of biblical interpretation that I think are good ways to think about the Bible.

Inherency - "The Bible is forceful and consistent in its main theological claim"...Creation, Fall, and Redemption (11)

Interpretation - "The Bible requires and insists upon human interpretation that is inescapably subjective, necessarily provisional, and, as you are living witnesses, inevitably disputatious." (13)

More to come when I get the book!

Clothes Shopping

Since Amber recently got a job at Lush, an organic cosmetic store in the mall, we had to go clothes shopping for her today. They can only wear black and white, and Amber is typically more colorful in her attire. Needless to say, clothes shopping is not my favorite pastime, but being a husband requires sacrifice, right?

My father was supposed to come visit today, but our plans got rearranged due to the weather. I can't wait for him to bring Jennifer, Logan, and Blake to campus. There are lots of great bike trails around here, since we're so close to Seneca Park. Amber and I have been taking advantage of the paved routes, but our mountain bikes don't do so well on those. Riding up those hills is painful. I forgot how much the terrain changes as you go south from Indianapolis.

Still working on putting a press kit together for Adam's new album. I heard the first track "Don't Go to Church," and it's amazing! He's going to be performing in Evansville on September 11th, so I hope to see everyone there (even though I can't be there).

Really looking forward to Out of the Darkness walk on September 12 to raise money for suicide prevention. We've done the walk twice so far, and it's a great way to honor Amber's brother Kurt and others who have lost relatives and friends to suicide. You may wish to make a donation here: Donate to Team KURTLE Power.

I just heard a really funny quote from a PS3 commercial..."You can't believe everything you read on the Internet. That's how World War I got started."

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Classes for Fall 2009

Here is my list of courses, and my initial thoughts. (All description taken from the 2008-2009 course catalog at

  • Faith Seeking Understanding - Scott Williamson - "Interdisciplinary course in theology and ethics...The purpose of FQI is to help students gain greater confidence and competence in thinking theologically and ethically. The course intends to prepare students for this task by providing an introduction to systematic theology and ethical method. Students will reflect on the interplay between belief and behavior, as they wrestle with contemporary issues in theology and ethics. FQI is organized around a series of fundamental theological questions: How do we know what to believe? What do we mean by God? What’s wrong with us? How does Jesus make a difference? In response to these questions we will encourage students to listen to a rich variety of voices and to engage those voices as they answer the questions for themselves." (Really looking forward to this one. I had Dr. Williamson for TSE, and I really enjoyed his teaching style.)
  • Scripture I - Johanna Bos - "intended to introduce the student to the Bible and the world of the Bible, as a basis for biblical and other studies in the curriculum...will concentrate on matters of interest to the study of the entire Bible and to the study of the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, in particular. Subjects for attention are: the nature of biblical authority; the formation of biblical canon; the creation and transmission of the text; the composition and the content of the Old Testament; the historical settings of the Bible; some major theological concepts rooted in the Bible; and methods of contemporary biblical scholarship." (Well, of course, a course on the Bible will be interesting. Biblical authority has been a subject of interest for me for quite some time, so I will be looking forward to being stretched!)
  • Intro to Worship - Claudio Carvalhaes - "introduces structural patterns, themes and practices that are part of the public Christian worship. The students will think about the relationship between worship, life and God and gain practical skills in designing and leading worship." (I have already finished reading our first assignment. It was an excerpt from a book on ritual. I loved it! I've heard wonderful things about Dr. Carvalhaes!)
  • Elements of Biblical Hebrew - Douglas Gragg - needs no explanation (A little scared about this one. Started reading through the textbook to get a basic feel for the language, but it looks like Amber will be helping me with flashcards!)
Wish me luck and pray for me!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Job Hunt

Amber (my wife) is still looking for gainful employment somewhere. She is beginning to get very frustrated with the lack of meaningful opportunities she's come across. The interview she went on today was kind of pointless for her, because she said this job would have tapped none of her skills. I don't really know what to do besides keep my eyes peeled for jobs and keep supporting her. This seems to be the only piece of this whole seminary experience that's been lacking thus far. Everything else seems to be going along pretty smoothly, albeit with a few hiccups (forwarding to the wrong address, getting good health insurance for her, etc.). Perhaps God is trying to tell us something through us, but I don't want to be one of "those people" who thinks God always has a direct message for me in every single circumstance (haha). All I'm saying is maybe! Some have been saying that Amber should think about going into the Marriage and Family Therapy program here at LPTS. Maybe!

God has been faithful to both of us to this point, and I trust that this will continue. I had a very nice visit from Diane, my soon-to-be elder liaison (which reminds me, I need to contact Glen about coming under care). Diane is such a wonderful lady, and without her, I never would have known that LPTS was an option. We had a nice sit-down chat, and I hope to see more of her as I continue this journey.

Please continue to keep Amber in your prayers and thoughts as she looks for a place to work.

Much love!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mission Trip or Religous Tourism?

Great article by Bob Lupton called Honorable Marketing. A lot of great points on the value of mission trips.

(HT: Kruse Kronicle)

Friday, August 28, 2009

TSE is over...

Our introductory course, Transforming Seminary Education, is now over. This makes me sad. I absolutely loved this course, even though it was only two weeks. I had a great time interacting with the students and professors, and it's truly a time I will never forget! I'm so very glad I came to this seminary. God keeps revealing to me how the Holy Spirit has been guiding me through this entire process. I am humbled greatly by this, and I pray I can be of service in the kingdom, during and after seminary. Thank you everyone who made TSE a wonderful experience!

On an unrelated note, something I found very interesting:

From Falsani's blog...
If you "tweet" your prayers to the Twitter account @thekotel, Alon Nil, the service's 25-year-old founder in Tel Aviv, will print them out on paper and have a group of kind souls in Jerusalem take them by hand and tuck them into the wall for you.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I am going to complain about complaints! We have been talking about our church visits, and there have been a seemingly endless series of complaints about churches and our reactions to churches. One megachurch has seemed to be the most provocative. I've quickly lost interest in this type of conversation. I don't say that to be snarky, but it might seem that way. Some people don't like some churches, but it seems many of us want to force our opinions. A few folks have gotten too preachy for my taste, and I'm fighting feelings of resentment for that. God help me!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Courage to Dream

So occasionally, I'm going to try to post a rap/poem here just to try to keep the creative juices flowing. This one's called "Courage to Dream".

that's right, i'll blow a spot up any night
what dreams may come, i watch dreams take flight
...and now i'm at it again
hey, i used to get ill with a pad and a pen
but now i mostly study to show myself approved
so act like ya know, don't act brand new
ya see, my style's on cue with a tank on empty
don't trust the inner man when he's acting kinda shifty
09 til infinity, this general vicinity
will not be the same when we recognize the trinity
or at least get a taste of his grace
that transcends gender and it transcends race
so my brothers and sisters can now be free
or die tryin' but not spiritually
cuz the spirit lives on and a legacy remains
if the courage is there, then the game's about to change

Friday, August 21, 2009

Downtown Tour

Yesterday morning, we took a short tour of downtown Louisville with the class. We watched a short video about KY called KentuckyShow that was really well-made. We all called it KY propaganda because it cast the state in such a positive light.

After the video, we went to city center at 6th and Jefferson. We explored the monuments and learned a little about the history of the city. Later that night, Amber and I both said how much we really like this city. It's not Indianapolis, but it will do!

Much love!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When the levees broke

In TSE today, we watched and discussed Act 2 of Spike Lee's documentary When the Levees Broke! This was an incredibly moving film based on what went wrong in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. After we watched, we talked about our feelings and personal experiences with regard to Katrina. Ultimately, the question we began to wrestle with was, "where was God in all this?" I have a few opinions about this matter, but I just listened today soaking in all the thoughts people were verbalizing. I really love this class, and I look forward to writing a theological response to this film.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Wow! Amber and I were doing some reflecting yesterday about how all of our life experiences have combined to bring us to this point. Louisville Seminary seems to be the perfect place for us at this point in our lives! In class, we have been talking and reading about all the things Amber and I have been passionate about (namely social inequality). Now, I finally get some time to study and wrap my head around what I (we) need to be doing to work toward a more just society. God is good!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday church

A group of my fellow seminarians, Amber, and I went to Grace Hope Presbyterian Church yesterday. It was the first Black Presbyterian church I have ever attended. It was a small congregation but seemed to be full of life. I'm not sure it's a good fit for Amber and me, but it was a great experience!

Much love!

Friday, August 14, 2009

First couple days

My first few days of seminary have been amazing! Amber has done a great job of making our dorm room feel like home! Louisville seems like a great city, and bardstown rd is such a cool strip of shopping and restaurants. It kind of reminds me of broad ripple, only bigger. The student body is really cool. I think I could honestly have a great time hanging out with any member of my class! I feel very blessed to be here. Please keep praying that Amber will find a job!

Much love!