Sunday, September 6, 2009

Classes for Fall 2009

Here is my list of courses, and my initial thoughts. (All description taken from the 2008-2009 course catalog at

  • Faith Seeking Understanding - Scott Williamson - "Interdisciplinary course in theology and ethics...The purpose of FQI is to help students gain greater confidence and competence in thinking theologically and ethically. The course intends to prepare students for this task by providing an introduction to systematic theology and ethical method. Students will reflect on the interplay between belief and behavior, as they wrestle with contemporary issues in theology and ethics. FQI is organized around a series of fundamental theological questions: How do we know what to believe? What do we mean by God? What’s wrong with us? How does Jesus make a difference? In response to these questions we will encourage students to listen to a rich variety of voices and to engage those voices as they answer the questions for themselves." (Really looking forward to this one. I had Dr. Williamson for TSE, and I really enjoyed his teaching style.)
  • Scripture I - Johanna Bos - "intended to introduce the student to the Bible and the world of the Bible, as a basis for biblical and other studies in the curriculum...will concentrate on matters of interest to the study of the entire Bible and to the study of the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, in particular. Subjects for attention are: the nature of biblical authority; the formation of biblical canon; the creation and transmission of the text; the composition and the content of the Old Testament; the historical settings of the Bible; some major theological concepts rooted in the Bible; and methods of contemporary biblical scholarship." (Well, of course, a course on the Bible will be interesting. Biblical authority has been a subject of interest for me for quite some time, so I will be looking forward to being stretched!)
  • Intro to Worship - Claudio Carvalhaes - "introduces structural patterns, themes and practices that are part of the public Christian worship. The students will think about the relationship between worship, life and God and gain practical skills in designing and leading worship." (I have already finished reading our first assignment. It was an excerpt from a book on ritual. I loved it! I've heard wonderful things about Dr. Carvalhaes!)
  • Elements of Biblical Hebrew - Douglas Gragg - needs no explanation (A little scared about this one. Started reading through the textbook to get a basic feel for the language, but it looks like Amber will be helping me with flashcards!)
Wish me luck and pray for me!

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