Thursday, April 8, 2010

Isaiah Rap?

Here's a song I wrote for my Scripture class. As an alternative to an outline of the Book of Isaiah, I wrote a rap song. I hope you like it!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Need a Vacation

What is the best vacation spot you know of?

Kokomo by Beach Boys  
Download now or listen on posterous
kokomo.mp3 (3376 KB)

Posted via email from bbrown1's posterous

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Test of My Will

This semester has been very difficult. Perfectionist that I am when it comes to school work, I have had to work extra hard to make the grades I want to have. Sometimes, I think I should maybe settle for less than perfect when it comes to this stuff, but that little voice in my head keeps telling me I can do better. Thanks, Mom and Dad! haha

I'm really loving seminary. It has its hard times, but I feel that I'm beginning to understand so much better and grow closer to God, while still feeling how distant God is at times. I know that sounds weird, but it's kinda like Moses when he was only allowed to see where God had been rather than look directly into God's face. Catching a glimpse of the very nature of existence would be far too much for me to handle. I realize how many things are simply out of my control, and that can lead to feelings of helplessness and depression. On the other hand, I can sense just how near God is that it's scary at times. When I think of Jesus, I think of how short I fall from where He would have me, and this can also lead to feelings of helplessness and depression.

But I am learning to cling to the promises that God loves me dearly, just as much as He loves everyone else. The closest I can speak of this love in human terms is the love I feel from/for Amber, my parents, and my siblings. Even so, this human love is nowhere near perfect, though I am still amazed by the grace I've been shown from these people. But the grace that comes from the heart of God is incomprehensible. I am a fearful human, and that keeps me from taking part and being an agent in this grace. I cling to my addictions like eating, TV, wasting time on the Internet, and I act like these things will really give me life. How much disappointment does it take to change course?

Thank God for the examples I have had in my life of those who have been faithful and given me license to pursue this calling on my life. I can't express the gratitude that is welling up inside me as I write. You are all loved dearly!