Monday, September 7, 2009

Clothes Shopping

Since Amber recently got a job at Lush, an organic cosmetic store in the mall, we had to go clothes shopping for her today. They can only wear black and white, and Amber is typically more colorful in her attire. Needless to say, clothes shopping is not my favorite pastime, but being a husband requires sacrifice, right?

My father was supposed to come visit today, but our plans got rearranged due to the weather. I can't wait for him to bring Jennifer, Logan, and Blake to campus. There are lots of great bike trails around here, since we're so close to Seneca Park. Amber and I have been taking advantage of the paved routes, but our mountain bikes don't do so well on those. Riding up those hills is painful. I forgot how much the terrain changes as you go south from Indianapolis.

Still working on putting a press kit together for Adam's new album. I heard the first track "Don't Go to Church," and it's amazing! He's going to be performing in Evansville on September 11th, so I hope to see everyone there (even though I can't be there).

Really looking forward to Out of the Darkness walk on September 12 to raise money for suicide prevention. We've done the walk twice so far, and it's a great way to honor Amber's brother Kurt and others who have lost relatives and friends to suicide. You may wish to make a donation here: Donate to Team KURTLE Power.

I just heard a really funny quote from a PS3 commercial..."You can't believe everything you read on the Internet. That's how World War I got started."

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