Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 Recap

Wow! What a year! I'm laying on a blow-up mattress at Adam's house in Cincinnati thinking about the year gone by. It has to be one of the most interesting, yet difficult, years thus far. Here's a quick recap.

Jan - started off on a winter youth retreat in Michigan, right after the honeymoon. Talk about a complete turnaround. Disney World with just me and Amber to Ski Slope with 30 adolescents!

Feb - begin freaking out about planning for Mexico trip. I still can't believe I was able to pull that one together. With lots of really great support at Tab, I learned a lot about taking leadership on a big project. Also bought a new car for Amber.

Mar - confirmation programming, another first. Really cool experience with a lot of great teachers and students involved. I think I'd like to do this again!

April - fundraising Easter breakfast, yet another first. Amazed by how generous people can be when given pancakes and eggs! Raised a significant amount of money for Mexico.

May - school year comes to a close. Have to say goodbye to the Oaks and Tab to make the decision to enter Seminary. Hard, hard task. My two bosses were super-supportive, thank you Jesus!

June - breathe! My wonderful wife begins adjusting to the fact that we have about two months left in Indianapolis. Reality hasn't set in for me yet.

July - Great insane experience with 600 middle schoolers. A great way to end my time with the youth of Tab. Love you guys. Reality about moving still hasn't set in.

August - Moving time. Reality, still hasn't set in. Move into our new apartment. Sit down on the couch. Think to myself...what am I doing??? It's now set in. Classes start immediately.

September - First semester gets into full swing. Hundreds of confirmations that we've made the right decision. Still miss home.

October - Hillcrest Blvd. The most over-the-top display of Halloween cheer I've ever seen. Street preachers condemn the people, I just think they need a better hobby than decorating their yards with coffins.

November - Theology fatigue... Hermeneutics. Eschatology. Soteriology. Christology. Good stuff, but my brain can only stretch so far.

December - A semi-normal Christmastime spent with family and friends. So beautiful! Celebrated one amazing year with my beautiful wife. Life is precious!

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